Thursday, September 27, 2018

Brown Bear Brown Bear.....What do you see?

This week we have focused on the book "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?"  The children have loved this story and song that accompanies it.  Most of the children are able to retell the story on their own and some with a little support.  This book aids those that are learning English as it breaks down the simple noun (animal) and adjective (color).  After they understand those, then we will start to see them generalize them into other conversations.

At the art table, we have begun to create our own Brown Bear Class Book.  We will have it out next week, once all the children have finished it and then we will have the children share it with you when they can.  Each child drew a picture of themselves and then glued on their face for the book. 

For literacy this week, we worked in small groups to retell the Brown Bear story and use Story Telling Stones to sequence the story together.

For cooking this week, the children talked about bread and what happens when we put the bread in a toaster.....we make toast!  After we made our toast the children could choose if they wanted peanut butter or cinnamon sugar to spread on....or both!  :)

This week we also started to understand that inorder to be a contributing community member, we have to help to clean up after ourselves.  The children were encouraged to clean their own plates after cooking this week!  They really enjoyed it and grew in their understanding of all the steps in the kitchen.

We planted a new tree in our outdoor space this week!

We had way too much fun on the slide!!  (myself included:)

More great pictures from our week!

Good to know:

* Wednesday, October 3rd is a half day for the entire school. Therefore we will dismiss at 12:00 instead of 12:30.

* I'm meeting with all of the EC Room Parents next week.  We will discuss all the upcoming events for the year and how we can best use parents support.  Look for communication to come from them in the near future!

* Coming:  EC Parent Night: October 22