Thursday, November 29, 2018

Learning about Shapes!

This week we focused on the names of shapes we see all around us!  The children are learning to label them as well as be able to find them throughout the classroom!  We even tried to find shapes in our snack box!  Something you can do at home as well during mealtimes!

For art this week, the children worked on labeling the shape they wanted and gluing it onto a big mural.  Then they were able to create with other shapes or markers.  It was nice to see who could expand on their ideas and create a variety of objects.

For the math center this week, the children worked on sorting a variety of 2D shapes.  (as well as naming it!)

We celebrated Saif's birthday this week too!  Happy Birthday Saif!

We had a blast making homemade noodles this week! It was a learning experience for both the kids and me! :) The children loved being able to have flour all over the table and roll out the dough!

Omani Tent Day was a success!  They enjoyed all the aspects of such a busy day, except for the music!  We do have more tentative class when it comes to dancing!  I can get them to do it in the classroom but I knew it wasn't probably going to happen for most of them outside!

Other great pictures from the week!

Good to Know:

* I have a parent helping to try to find if we can get on a construction site this coming week or the following week!  I will keep everyone posted if it's an opportunity that we can make happen!

* A reminder that we will have an EC Winter Concert on December 19th. More details to come!