Thursday, April 25, 2019

Earth Week

We started to discuss Earth Day this week and what it means to take care of our planet!  There were so many outside events and activities going on, so we decided to continue next week talking about more aspects regarding recycling as well.

The visiting author John Coy came to our classroom this week to discuss what it means to be an author and read some stories with us!  The children enjoyed him and even liked one of his books so much, we decided to cook with potatoes this week!

So for cooking we made French Fries.  Ask your children what French Fries are made from! :)

We did some paper mache this week to make some balloon Earths!

Due to the rain day we had last week, we moved our EC Brunch to this week!  The children loved mixing up the classes for some cooking and enjoyed seeing EC2 during our big brunch!

More great pictures from the week!

Good to Know:

* Ramadan is anticipated to start around May 5th.  I wanted to let you know that things will look the same for us in regards to food and water for the children.  The assistants will be fasting but they will continue to be here as usual.  Please let me know if there is anything I need to know about your child or your family during Ramadan.

* We will have a Pool Day and Splash Party coming up in the next few weeks!  Dates and more details to come later!

* Mark your calendar for the Early Childhood End of the Year Celebration. It will be on May 23rd at 11:30.  More details to come later!

* So sad, but our last day of school is on May 30th.  It will be a noon dismissal.