Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Learning All Day!

We have had a great week before the break!  The children have been eager playing and exploring a variety of new materials we have had out!  Here are some pictures to share our learning!

We had a fun day celebrating our Gum Ball Party!  For those of you who missed our post about our gum ball machine....we started the gum ball machine to help promote positive behaviors in our classroom.  The children would get a gum ball if they were helping clean up, being a good friend, sharing, or even saying a polite comment to someone.  It was a great way to focus on the positive and work on multiplying the amount of times we were seeing these throughout the day.

Good to Know:

* When we get back from the break, we will have swimming on Monday!  It will be at 10:30-11:30 that day.  You can send your child in their normal clothes and send their swim suits!

* Please remember to send a hat with your child each day!

* Have a good break and we will see you on April 7th! :)

Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

This week we have been talking about The Very Hungry Caterpillar!  The children have loved continuing to talk about healthy foods, counting, and asking questions about caterpillars!  I had many children helping draw the big life cycle all together!  It was good collaboration and we worked on skills such as taking turns and asking politely for someone to move.  Our goals and next steps are always embedded in many aspects of our day!

At the art table this week, the children have been talking about the life cycle of a butterfly.  We are working on drawing details to our pictures to depict the life cycle the way we see it!

During cooking this week, the children took a variety of pasta and had to decide which pasta looked like which parts of the butterfly life cycle.  Ms. Wafa brought in her homemade tomato sauce. It was yummy to eat too!

Fruit was the popular item of the week this week!  The children got to cut the fruit we find in the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar and match the quantities with their cut fruit!

I introduced Mindfulness to the children this week!  Ask them about it and see what they say!

More great pictures from the week!

Good to Know:

* The school will be on Spring Break March 29-April 6th.  Classes will resume on April 7th! 

* Just for your information, I will be away on Thursday, March 28th.  I'm traveling to Bangkok, Thailand for a conference and need to be there a day sooner to facilitate the Early Childhood Core Collaborative group for NESA (our conference).  There will be a sub here in my place and Ms. Wafa and Ms. Ibtihal will be as normal!

* The Week of the Young Child will be April 14-18th.  Please be on the look out for more details down the road!